We must evaluate, unforgivingly, what the personal and political truths are, so that we can support the progress of both. Politically, we get a very clear vision of fascism and the opposing force of democracy. Personally, we find a very clear theme of time wasted on foolishness, negativity and meaningless experience. The solution to both of these problems are the same: concise productive action of the crucial changes that need to made, based on truths and rights, and the abandonment of the rest. This is how we gain traction, and begin to realize greater possibilities, a more fulfilled, satisfying and dynamic life. The destructive status quo system fights this progress with many tools: terrorism, fascism, greed, materialism, superficiality and brutal competition.
It can often seem easier to go with the destructive establishment, to support tyrants rather than resist them, to live unconscious of your actions consequences. This sloth and torpor leads only to an unfulfilled life though, no matter how easy-going the individual believes they have made it for themselves. The Buddha spoke often of the need for strenuous effort in order to attain a higher level of existence, for a revolution in being to occur. "Those putting forth strenuous effort attain to Nirvana, the highest freedom and happiness." (Dhammapada) The opposing mindset I found encapsulated in a phrase on a keychain I saw for sale at a gas station: Eat healthy, get fit, die anyway. Others that fit into this are No good deed goes unpunished or Life sucks, then you die, etc. The defeatist mindset is common and often manifests for valid reasons, as I mentioned in Part 1 of this essay.
Having discrimination, seeking the truth and consequences of the actions of others also helps you see through your own illusions/wrongdoing. For example, Ive been very depressed lately as I have become more aware of how my past and continuing behavior has been off-target, negative, foolish, unproductive ,etc. Wasting my time on low quality entertainment, intoxicants, etc. all of which serve the status-quo destructive system as well.
I've had basically the same list of goals for a long time, Everyday: exercise & meditation, resistance/activism/education, Eight Fold Path living, eat only healthy foods, no intoxicants, etc. Consistency in living out these goals has been lacking, vigilance has fallen off. This lack of motivation, this laziness, may indeed be the most common human characteristic, as stated in the film Waking Life. And this may be why there have been so many "zeros" as said in the film, those that did not contribute anything significantly positive to the world. Why is this laziness, that I have myself as well, so pervasive? What can get rid of it? Reviewing your life up until this point, the process of elimination reveals what is left to be done, what has not been consistently acted on, what has not been committed to.
Having support from others, having loving relationships are certainly part of the answer. Although many independent people think we dont need anybody in order to progress, as I used to think, the reality is humans were not meant to live alone, we are not in a balanced life when we are isolated from positive interaction with others. The Buddhist term Sangha refers to a spiritual community to which on can take refuge, it is one of the Three Jewels that are taught as proper places of support and protection. Corporate/Fascist States discourage community in any meaningful sense, just blind patriotism/nationalism and sports/entertainment. Instead of the solutions, one should not be surprised, the destructive status-quo promotes isolation, distrust, etc. No community means no resistance, no grassroots democracy. Without community there is little to no positive reinforcement for individuals citizens. Living without loving friendships and relationships creates cynicism and lack of motivation, often coinciding with giving in to mindless entertainment, intoxicants and propaganda. Community not only benefits the members within in it, but the nation as a whole. Tyrants have always worked to undermine unity, to undermine community. A obvious example is the historical violent opposition to the formation of workers unions by the wealthy business owners and their government/military/police enforcers. American worker unions were established to confront the brutal exploitation and slave-like treatment of masses of Americans, and have now been greatly weakened by constant corporate undermining (read A Peoples History of The United States by Howard Zinn to learn about this phenomenon in more detail).
Much of American society is structured in a way that forcibly promotes isolation. This serves the status-quo through lack of organization, lack of resistance, independent thought and evaluation/criticism/dissent, lifestyles, etc. Instead the Corporate/Fascist State wants to control your life through the information, viewpoint and entertainment they disseminate. In
So the question is are we going to allow more hell on earth (If your confused think Iraqi civilians being killed in the tens of thousands, etc.) Are we going allow the possibility of another nuclear bomb being dropped and sickening casualties the multi-generation horror that brings? Why are we allowing the use of depleted uranium weapons in
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