The completely bullshit idea of masculinity held by many American men is truly ridiculous. Two areas reveal this to me very clearly:
1. Eating meat (especially steak) is seen as some kind of macho behavior, when in fact it just shows you like others to kill defenseless animals for you to eat. Often "macho" guys will slander a guy that's vegetarian as being "feminine", which is non-sense, a real man would'nt be afraid of being perceived of as different and receiving slander from fools when standing up for his principles.
2. Supporting unjust war/militarism. These fools will back-up any military adventure, (usually until it effects them personally) with the sub-conscious hopes of being perceived as really masculine. Instead they are just cowards unwilling to speak-out against the chicken-hawk "leaders" that continue to kill our own people and foreign civilians, (by the hundreds of thousands in Iraq/Afghanistan alone). I, and every other activist speaking out against the lies of Bush, Inc. are the real "men"; we aren't cowards, we speak openly against mass-murderers, unafraid of the consequences.
Another aspect of extreme moronic hypocrisy with many Americans, both men and women, is their stance concerning the events of 9/11. Rather than look into the overwhelming evidence that the official story is a Big Lie, they just believe the official story, given by known liars and murderers, out of fear of being thought of as "crazy"; the irony is of course that you are really being crazy for believing and supporting obvious lies.